The disasters of 2021 (Free Write)

After December 31st 2019 ended, it was a new decade, 2020. 2020 at first didn’t seem bad at all until one day, a new virus called “Coronavirus” or in a special term “Covid-19” started to spike! lots of people were catching the virus and had loads of trouble! Everybody went crazy and started to go quarantine, toilet paper ran out, masks ran out, and much more! It was a disaster! Once schools started a lot of people stayed online which basically ruined some experiences like becoming lazy and not even doing work! After a couple of months passed a lot more happened! Riots occurred for BLM and Stopping Asian hate, some popular celebrities died like Kobe Bryant! During 2020 lots of people have suffered. During 2020 even a threat to start world war 3 happened as well! A lot occurred over the months but once 2020 was near an end new good things happened, such as the Covid Vaccine and much more, a lot of people started to go back to in-person school and people were in less of a panic. Some people didn’t trust the vaccine but once 2020 ended a lot of people started to get the vaccine, though we didn’t quite reach our goal of getting everyone vaccinated. The election ended to Biden winning as well! Now it’s 2021, the time seems to be moving a lot faster now, but that might just be me. Well be safe ou2020 In Review: Some Silver Linings – Unleashedt there everyone!Draper City: COVID-19 InfoWhat do you call the disease caused by the novel coronavirus? Covid-19